Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Fuck the title.

I am so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED of the religious right. These mother Mary fuckers are fucking up a pretty cool party for the rest of us. Be it Jew, Christian, Hindu, Muslim... Especially Muslim and Christian. I have no less than 12 Godly star fucker channels on my direct T.V. These cock suckers want to tell me what to listen to by trying to censor the likes of Howard Stern, but these lying cock suckers can pollute the airways begging for money with no oversite. and since the likes of Sam Brownback are on the payroll of a bunch of these assholes there is no hope for the average joe. Well fuck it...... And a hearty fuck you to the "Jews" who go on these stations. I watch one woman speak of her jewish heart that was saved by Jesus. MY JEWISH ASS. If your heart was saved by Jesus then you are a FUCKING CHRISTIAN. Now if you are a level headed person of faith (Person of faith now we all have to buy into this little slice of political correctness) Thats cool I guess a belief in something is good. But the extremists in this country are neither Religious or right. I believe they are all the tools of some much bigger evil force. Hell, The Christ went around healing and feeding people, for free I might add. with no strings attached. thats the key, no strings. I bet the republicans would have called Christ a Whore Monger for trying to put forward his agenda, if he tried to pull that shit he pulled in the Temple today. I think Elvis said it best. Whats so funny about peace love and understanding.
But I think it is more like the line from The The, "If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he'd be gunned down cold by the CIA.
Whew. And who the fuck is Nancy Grace on CNN. What a loud mouth piece of work this bleached blonde is.


Blogger Gladmomma said...

Ooh, MJ, you're one angry dude! I like it! If more of us get angry, that means more of us are waking up out of our stupor. No one (regular people) wants a frickin' theocracy, so we gotta scream loud and long. Take care.

8:40 PM  

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