Thursday, April 28, 2005

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Well it's 11 p.m. and all isn't well. It's all well here though. the Mrs and the kid are safe in bed and asllep. My hockey team won our city championship. We are off to Toronto in June to play some other winners. The daily show just came on. Funny thing Jon Stewart is funnier than Kilbourne was. He is talking about the Bush press conference. What the fuck is up with the hub-bub surrounding a second rate actress Maggie Gyllenhall. All this little lady was say that she felt that Americans had to take a look back at the policies of the last 25 years concerning Muslim nations and the time had to come to see what these policies had sowed. If I remember correctly a few years ago sometime around 2001, it was all the rage to use terms like blow back refering to how U.S. policies "BLEW BACK" in the form of terrorist actions. So this brain Trust Gyllenhall regurgatates a Meet the Press script form two years ago, and is now held up as some sort of leftist traitor. How is that even remotley right. Oh I forgot the "right" feels, anybody who exersizes their first admendment right to question anything the administration of George W. Christ lays out there, then that person is obviously a "Leftist". Well thats all I have to say tonight. I had more but I am tired, and I want to get back to my Vice City game. Some times I just to scream. not just out loud, but at someone balls out spit flying 120 db screaming. Then take that bible out of their hands and shove it right where their brains reside.
btw 39 republicans voted against the 213 million dollars to tool up new Humvees for the folks dying in Iraq. One bit of good news of the 39 voting against the money was Bill Frist and Sam "My house is paid for by my contributors" Brownback. Unfortunatley for the Morose one Rick Santorum voted for the new Humvees. If anybody knows why the far right would vote against this please let me know.


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