GET HIM!!!!!!!!

Sean Hannity, of the Hannity and Colmes show. should be poked in the eye with a sharp stick. For that matter so should Alan Colmes. I just watched a video of Mark Furhman spouting off on all this evidence he has against Micheal Schiavo. So 15 years after the fact he rides in and writes a book on all of the "facts" surrounding Terri Schiavo's collapse. Sean Hannity is an evil hate monger who should be shunned by society, and poked with sharp sticks. I am not advocating violence, When I say poked with a sharp stick I mean in the cartoon kind of way. Just walk behind him and poke him for a while. Not with malice but for comedy. just enough to make him say Owwww quit it. A word of caution. A cornered conservative is known to get violent if this happens kick the conservative in the shins or genitalia as hard as possible. then point and laugh before hopping on affordable reliable socialist public transportation
Current Mood: irate
Current Music: Cheap Trick, Hello
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