Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Caution Assholes at work

So, I'm driving to work this morning. I have a 20 mile commute, I like to listen to Howard stern or music on my ride in. This should be a time of quite reflection or a time to Jam to some tunes.
You know put in those old Cd's that you just dont get a chance to listen to anyore. The ones with great songs you couldn't live with out when you were 17. This week its Iron Maidens peice of Mind. But that is not why I am prattling on here. My reaso for Bitching this morning is, the asshole in the Ford Focus who I was forced to read all of his anti-abortion bullshit plastered on his POS car. The last thing I need on my way to work is an argument from your fucking bumper.
If you would like to argue your points, post your cell phone number on the bumper also. This way I can call you and debate the merits of your argument. But no you just want to have a one sided conversation and force your views on other people. Todays asshole had a sticker that read
"ABORTION" What part of thou shall not kill don't you understand. Ok you are free to your own opinion as to whether abortion is murder, just don't shove it down my throat. I like millions of others may not be so sure your point of view is correct. Yet I do not put it on my back bumper.
If I was so sure of all of lifes little questions, I might decide you were wrong and ram your car off the road. Maybe my bumper stickers reads: I speed up for inane arguments on peoples bumper stickers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I won't comment on whether I agree with one position or the other (my key thought on abortion is "I don't have a uterus"), I'm not so sure a bumper sticker really qualifies as ramming a belief down anyone's throat. At least, not any more than my wearing, say, and iron Maiden T-shirt is ramming my musical taste down anyone's throat.

Aside from which, anyone who's mind has ever been changed on *any* issue by a bumpoer sticker really needs to be removed from the gene pool post haste.

3:08 AM  

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