Saturday, April 30, 2005

Hey assholes wake up and smell the house burning

This is a carry over on the thought of the last post. Bush hitches his wagon to a Meth dealer in the midwest. A METH DEALER IN THE MIDWEST!!! I thought the midwestern states were the fly-over states as Herr Karl Rove would have you believe. The place where the Godless heathens of places like New York and Los Angeles and their "culture will destroy family values.
The midwest produces most of the Meth sold in the US. I remember in the 1970's Marcus Hook Pennsylvania was the Meth Capitol of the world. The meth was run by the Warlocks and Pagans Motorcycle gangs. These guys are not Limo Liberals. Then there were the Enron guys. More people not from NYC or L.A., WorldCom Again not from The left or right coast. Tom Delay, Not from New York. Rush Limbaugh Also not from New York. Sam Brown Brownback, John McCain and Fred Upton all Not Los Angelenos or New Yorkers all taking money from porn Purveyors. Now I'm not down on the Porn Guys but these hypocrites screech about family and middle America It makes me sick. It's as if you are from "The Blue States" ( Hey they call porn blue movies and all the red staters seem to take money from blue movies.) And don't get me started on the Democrats. We already know abouth them the Red Staters have been screaming about it for years, so you really need me to go over the same old ground. I'll hae to be content pointing out the assholes in the Republican party until I find some in my Libertarian party. Hey though we really cant be because we are the party of personal responsibility. Gonna read porn?it's on you Gonna do drugs?It's on you. Gonna go pay someone for sex? It's on you, Better be careful because if you don't, It's gonna be on them. That's just a little joke.


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