Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Toolshed

Take me back to dear old Blighty
This weeks toolshed opens with Lynndie England as the Tool. For obvious reasons we will bestow this honor on her. A big thumbs up to you Lynndie. Way to solidify Americas already waning star.

With friends like these who needs defense lawyers.
Or, First we kill the lawyers.

The next set of recipients of the Tool award are
Lynndie's ex lover and her law team that set forth today that Lynndie committed these Lewd (in my eyes not tortuous) and laciviuos acts because she was oxygen depraived at birth.
Bravo to the law team and Bravo to her ex lover who she very well seems to be taking the bullet for.

The fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all. Ralph Waldo Emerson

And last but not least, The Tool of the week award is also bestowed upon The FOX network.
Fox the network that brings us wholesome news stories about any and all things rightwing is also the network that out of the other side of its maw deliver us the stench of all things rightwing and TABLOID TELEVISION. These scumbags have the nerve to tout it's rehashing of A CURRENT AFFAIR as "the best in tabloid television. " For that alone the marketing team at Fox should be drawn and quartered, then flung off a cliff with a Trebuchet.


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Alternative Rock: Medium Influence
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Ska: Medium Influence
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90's Rock: Low Influence
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INTP - the Architect
You scored 50% I to E, 26% N to S, 52% F to T, and 65% J to P!
You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than have a routine. The single word to describe your type is the Architect, which belongs to the larger group of rationals. You wish to sculpt the world around you. Others often find you arrogant, yet you have no desire to direct others, only to inform them. You must know the structure of things, and have a voracious appetite for knowledge. You are very rational in everything you do, and probably consider yourself smarter than most.
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