Thursday, May 05, 2005


It used to be such a wonderful world.....
Back in the olden days, the days before T.V. and mass media you really knew who to hate.
It was so much easier before the internet. Wasn't it?
I mean back in the days of good ole Jimmy Stewart films it was so well defined.
Whites hated Blacks. Blacks hated.... Well I'm not really sure who the Blacks hated. But thats not important because they were Black. See what I mean it was easy to hate then.
Blacks were child like yet violent, and shiftless and lazy. See what I mean it was easy to hate then. Whites also hated the Jews. Jews were greedy... Greed is a good reason to hate. Jews killed Christ, another outstanding reason to hate. Jews had hook noses and ate strange foods. Another good reason to hate. Blacks also have different noses and sometimes eat strange food. they call it soul food. Christians also hated Jews. White and Black alike they hated the Jews. Usually for the same reasons the Straight Whites hated the Jews. That word straight is another reason to hate. The Straights hated the Gays. Black straights and White straights Jewish and Christian hated the Gays. See it was easy to hate back then.
There was even White on White hate. The Irish Catholics hated the English Protestants. There was Semite on Semite hate the Jews hate the Arabs, The Arabs hate the Jews. There was Black on Black hate. Lighter skin Blacks hate Darker skin Blacks. Latino on Latino hate. Mexicans hate Puerto Ricans. And so on, And so on, And so on..... But today it is harder to hate. We all hide behind political correctness. When we want to say Black we say, African American. It's always with that little lilt in the voice. That sound you make when you just smelled something bad. People can't make rash generalizations like all Blacks are lazy, All Jews are cheap.. You get the picture. There is even Asian on Asian hate. The Asians don't seem to care too much for hiding it. An obvious throw-back to the good ole days. My point is this, back in the good ole days that never existed outside of a Frank Capra movie, we were secure in who our enimies were. At least our perceived enimies. Hate really was a family value. Parents used it to keep their children in line. When Civil rights really came to the fore front in the 1950's and the 1960's whole states united against them. Even to the point of having to call in the National Gurad so a little girl could go to School.
While this was going on We had a common enemy beyond our own people. Be them Rich, Poor, Black, White, Jewish, Asian, Catholic, Protestant. We had the Russians. All hail the EVIL EMPIRE. Now we have no common enemy. The Russians are gone. China is giving us cheap big screen T.V.s and low priced DVD players, and even cheaper DVD's. Wal-Mart is selling the whole country to China. Why am I raving about hate you might ask. This is why. This morning Some douche bag set a bomb off on 3rd Street in NYC. at the British Consulate. We are told this is in some way connected to their elections today. Well 30 years we could have pointed our collective fingers at the Irish Catholics and say J'Accuse. Well the world ain't that wonderful anymore. It's sad we can no longer just fall back on our age old hates and prejudices.
It's late and I'm tired..............


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