Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make

Mon, Jul. 4th, 2005, 07:49 pm Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make.
Well it is becoming abundantly clear that Karl Rove was the White House leak that led to the outing of CIA operative Valarie Plame. I can still hear Rove and Bush and Cheney and Condi all spouting how they would get to the bottom of the scandal. I am suprised that Time magazine buckled. It seems to me though that the issue here was not protecting a source of information in the White House, but protecting an extremely dangerous treasoner in the White House in a time of "War". Rove should be tried for treason and Bush should be impeached for allowing this to go on during his administration.
Current Mood: morose
Current Music: Tears for Fears Mad World
(Karl Rove seen here detailing how work will set you free)
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