http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050814/ap_on_re_us/tiguas_lossAs some of you may have figured I am not really a friend of humanity. But when I read about how this asshole Jack Abramoff, of the Replutocrat Abramoffs treats people, it makes me want to drag this asshole behind a pick up truck. This is the same cock sucker who was pulling the underhanded free trips with Tom Delay. Don't get me started on Tom Delay. It is becoming abundantly clear that those of the Abramoff ilk and yes that includes the entire Replutocrat and Democan parties need to be sent to Texas. Then the entire state is to be fenced off, with the exception of the border to Mexico. For that matter we can throw in the Pennsylvania state Legislature, for their illegal and unconstitutional pay raise or shoud I say unvouchered expenses. These fucking people are out of control. I am so mad I could spit. I don't even know how to contain myself.
Current Mood: KILL
Current Music: Megadeth, Peace sells
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