Thursday, October 15, 2009

Letter to the Daily Local News

morosejew wrote on Oct 15, 2009 8:38 AM:

" I 100% support a public option for health care in America. What I do not support is passing a health care bill to be politically expedient. Health care in the other first world nations seems to work for the most part, but those countries do not have 300 Million people to cover nor do they have a rampant illegal immigration problem.

In what universe does a body of supposedly smart men and women try and create a new huge government entity with just the stroke of a pen without doing the requisite leg work to insure that the proposed plan can and will work.

I believe that in 1992 when the Clinton Administration tried to tackle health care the crux of their plan was to take a play from the Reagan book. They thought that the threat of Government intervention alone would be enough to get the large insurance companies to roll over and offer to enact change on their own. The Clinton White House in my opinion was extremely surprised when
the Insurances companies took the tact of Bring it on.

The Obama White House will not be so timid as to believe that this could work in a revamped form. They will pass some kind of health care bill, and as with anything built by committee it will be a quagmire of red-tape and bureaucracy. Why? Because that is what bureaucracies do.

If they are to pass health care reform, Washington needs to pass a bill saying that they will pass a health care reform bill.

As with any project there needs to be concessions on all sides. The Insurance Companies are going to have to come to the table in good faith, the Medical practitioners, The Government, Business and Civil leaders will have to also.

A health care overhaul can not happen at the end of a gun barrel figuratively speaking. Insurance Companies are free to pretty much do what they want. If that means not insuring a segment of the population, that is what they will do. If they can not make money working with the Government on Health care they will walk away from the table.

So I say yes to health care reform, no to strong arming the companies with whom you will need to work with in order to get it done.

Mr. Obama, Making sure Americans are free from the worries of catastrophic health care losses is a noble endeavor. Overlooking the need to help America recreate her standing as a Business Giant on the World Stage is a mistake. Jobs help create Insured Americans.

Can we do both? Sure. We are America we can do anything. We could create a public private single payer system. We could give larger tax breaks to companies to insure their workers. We could set up a medical peace corps like the Military. Go to college to become a Dr. Spend 4-6 years working as a Government Doctor, like the doctors in Canada. At the end of your term, you would receive something akin to the GI bill and have a portion of your school debt paid off.

There are a million and 1 ways to skin a cat. So to all of you elected officials out there. Fix this problem. Do not create a larger problem in the process, so you can wax poetic on your accomplishment. "


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