Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Daily Local nonsense

My reply to the link above

Mr. Ed,

Point 1. I can only search my blog back as far as 2005, and the site I blogged on previous to that has gone the way of a lot of websites to the great Sub-Etha.

As far back as I could find I was against the reasoning behind the war in Iraq. No amount of revisionist history from you sir can change the fact. By stating “Where was the outrage” it reminds me of the novel 1984. Yelling something loud enough does not make it true.

Point 2. There was never 99% support for the Iraq war.

Point 3. Facts are verifiable.

Point 4. Both the Democrats and the Republicans were guilty on some level with the less than stellar way they handled signing people up to vote.

Young Political Majors,LLC or as known as YPM for short is private consulting firm, which registers people to vote as Republicans. It operates in several states including California, Florida, Arizona and Massachusetts The firm has been accused of misleading voters into registering as Republicans, and its owner was arrested October 18, 2008 and charged with two counts of felony voter registration fraud and two counts of perjury.

So it seems the Republicans just got caught this time.

Point 5. When people of a more liberal persuasion on this DLN board accuse you of being Un-Patriotic, they are doing it ironically. Most people who lean left do not waste time with Patriotic arguments. They accuse you of it to point out how those who lean right love to bandy it about to make their point. So when the Chickens come home to roost, what better way to get your hackles up than throw your own rhetoric at you.

To those left of Center, Irony is wasted on Republicans.

Example: Lefties like Jeanine Garafolo and Lewis Black, Righties like Larry the Cable guy and Jeffworthy. Lefties read the New Yorker and pretend to get it Righties read National Review and pretend to get it.

Point 6. Unemployment numbers are a lagging indicator. Based on the Unemployment numbers the Recession did not happen until almost 2 years after it started. By using Unemployment numbers we are behind the curve. On the other hand Stocks are on the rise again so those of us that still have a 401 to kick around, Happy days are hear again…. Too Soon?

Point 7. The SURGE (Cue ominous music)

So the several months President Obama has spent mulling over the Afghan Surge is somehow more cowardly then the several months the Bush Administration took to mull over the Iraq Surge? Somehow it seems that when History shakes out the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we might find out that a surge would not have been needed in Afghanistan if we had not been sent to fight the 99% war in Iraq. If you are so concerned about US troops dying in Afghanistan.

When President Obama has been in office 4 years we get the chance to vote him out.

If his plans bear fruit over the next 3 years we can re-elect or vote him out depending on what happens. But this he is ruining the country tripe is just that, Tripe.

President Obama was gifted 2 wars in decline, a failing economy, unemployment on the rise, the death of the last major manufacturing base in the USA. Rampant fraud and Greed on Wall street just to name a few, We had been left with a policy of scorched earth. If he did nothing but cut more taxes and send more people to war, what would be the outcome then? So far for the Bush years we have a 2 front war, the FEMA failure oF New Orleans, A hole in the ground in New York and Pennsylvania. (September 11th happened on his watch, and no matter how much blame is to be laid at President Clintons feet you can not deny Bush had been in Office 9 months when it happened.)

This also goes to the Right complaining about how the Democrats are blaming Bush for the problems left behind in the White House for Mr. Obama.

Mr. Ed you sat on the sidelines and LET it happened. It is done. Now we are trying to clean it up. If you neglect everything in your house and the foundation gives way, the money spent to fix it is not doing nothing. You already did nothing. Now someone has to stop your neglect from continuing to erode the houses connected to yours. Get it.

I like the way you think Mr. Ed, makes arguing with you somewhat like sand blasting a saltine.


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