Monday, October 19, 2009

Reply to an Asshole

Not asking for a handout Cathy, Never have never will. I am offering you Conservatives a chance at owning my Citizenship. You all love to bandy about the love it or leave it statement. But as I have said before Irony is lost on Conservatives. Anyone with half a brain would realize that my offer of my Citizenship is a tongue in cheek satire to point out how absurd the Love it or Leave it crowd is.

There are very real economic concerns of leaving the United States. No Country in the First world is looking for Middle Class Americans who do not have an extraordinary skill set.

I am a warehouse manager with a degree in Network Engineering. I make an ok living, but when I tried to emigrate to Canada in the Mid-90's I was surprised to find out how difficult that really is.

I did not try and move for some half baked political reason, I tried to move to Canada because I like Canada.

So if I can find 1 Conservative who will put their money where their mouth is instead of engaging in hyperbole to make their mean spirited rants seem tougher. (Hell we all love a good John Wayne, Love it or Leave it l'il Pilgrimmm.) I will take it.

As I said the Canadian Government is not so Liberal as to allow every Tom D*ck and Harry across the border to be a burden 0n their health care system

Not like the US who does allow Every
Tito Domingo and Javier.

So it still stands I am offering my Citizenship up to the Love it or Leave it Crowds. The Price is three hundred thousand. I feel pretty confident that I will not get a real reply to this offer.

So if you are not going to take up the offer stop spewing the Love it or Leave it Crap.

Every time some Conservative does not like what a Liberal has to say they Spew the LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT pablum.

Well guess what, the Democrats are in Charge now. SO if you don't like it, what about taking up your own advice?

Oh wait, If I say that I should at least have the Juice or the Cash to back up my request.

In a free market Cash is King. I have something you want in the way of one barely used Citizenship. If we are a Capitalist Society (Not sure how a Financial Philosophy can be forced on a whole Society especially when Americans are some of the most charitable people in the world, then spew the Ayn Rand Crap.) Then you would gladly buy my Citizenship. I am offering a product for sale and you Cathy seem to want it for free. Now who is the Socialist? "


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