Pennsylvania Tools

I have not had too much time to post recently. Let it be known that the Morose one has not forgotten about the assholes in Harrisburg. These Mother FUCKERS have voted themselves a huge pay raise 32 to 34 percent.
When was the last time you, Mr. and Mrs. Pennsylvania got to vote your own par hike. These Cock suckers should be dragged out into the streets, Tarred and Feathered. Jealousy maybe. I only got a 3% increase this year which was eaten up immeadiatly by the 2.69 I am now paying for gas. I say all pay hikes for our ELECTED (read HIRED) Officials should come on refferendum at the poles. Another thing lets stop calling them officials they are MANAGEMENT we hire to run OUR store. Thh United States of America is OURS. They are private citizens who are no better and in a lot of cases much worse than the average citizen. They are not special!!!
They are just people we have entrusted with the keys to the store. If you own a business, and your trusted employee rifles the till at 2:00 in the morning. What would you do? YOU WOULD FIRE THEIR ASS AS SOON AS YOU FOUND OUT THEY STOLE FROM YOU!!! SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOW TO RID THE STATE OF THIS CANCER. The special elections shouls start with fast Eddie and trickle down to city and local government. Politicians in this country have become a cancer. Republican or Democrat have become the new Politically correct moniker for racism. It's no longer to call some one a Nigger or a Kike or a Wop, Deigo, Gueina or Spick but it sure is ok to label someone a LIBERAL or Conservative or a leftist or Right winger. Most people in America have no idea what these terms mean they jut sparrot them out. Man I am so fucking PISSED.