Monday, October 19, 2009
Reply to an Asshole
There are very real economic concerns of leaving the United States. No Country in the First world is looking for Middle Class Americans who do not have an extraordinary skill set.
I am a warehouse manager with a degree in Network Engineering. I make an ok living, but when I tried to emigrate to Canada in the Mid-90's I was surprised to find out how difficult that really is.
I did not try and move for some half baked political reason, I tried to move to Canada because I like Canada.
So if I can find 1 Conservative who will put their money where their mouth is instead of engaging in hyperbole to make their mean spirited rants seem tougher. (Hell we all love a good John Wayne, Love it or Leave it l'il Pilgrimmm.) I will take it.
As I said the Canadian Government is not so Liberal as to allow every Tom D*ck and Harry across the border to be a burden 0n their health care system
Not like the US who does allow Every
Tito Domingo and Javier.
So it still stands I am offering my Citizenship up to the Love it or Leave it Crowds. The Price is three hundred thousand. I feel pretty confident that I will not get a real reply to this offer.
So if you are not going to take up the offer stop spewing the Love it or Leave it Crap.
Every time some Conservative does not like what a Liberal has to say they Spew the LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT pablum.
Well guess what, the Democrats are in Charge now. SO if you don't like it, what about taking up your own advice?
Oh wait, If I say that I should at least have the Juice or the Cash to back up my request.
In a free market Cash is King. I have something you want in the way of one barely used Citizenship. If we are a Capitalist Society (Not sure how a Financial Philosophy can be forced on a whole Society especially when Americans are some of the most charitable people in the world, then spew the Ayn Rand Crap.) Then you would gladly buy my Citizenship. I am offering a product for sale and you Cathy seem to want it for free. Now who is the Socialist? "
Republicans LOVE Gang Rape 30-7 over all other forms of rape.

To see a more complete list of RAPE loving Senators please visit the link provided.
Arizona really seems to like gang Rape. Senators Kyl and McCain both voted against a womans right to sue after being gang raped.
Georgia: Chambliss (R-GA), Nay Isakson (R-GA), Nay Who Didn't expect Georgia to love Rape.
Idaho, seems more like a rallying cry for Senators Chambliss (R-GA), Nay and
Isakson (R-GA), Nay
Kansas seems to like a good old unwelcome snogging: Brownback (R-KS), Nay Roberts (R-KS), Nay
You sure got a pretty mouth, what say you drop them trousers?
Kentucky: Bunning (R-KY), Nay McConnell (R-KY), Nay
I guess we could not expect more from Appalachia.
Vitter of Louisianan likes em a wee bit unable to defend themselves before during and after.
I am not even going to defend Mississippi. 2 nays to suing for gang rape. from the Evangelical capitol of the world.
Senator Ethics, erm cough I mean Ensign of Nevada, a big ol Nay for suing for rape.
Senator Gregg from the live free or die state, says no way to getting paid for having your freedoms removed via your vagina.
Oklahoma it's OK, to be gang raped in a trailer.
Inhofe and Coburn 2 Nays from the OK state.
South Carolina, need I say more?
Wyoming: Barrasso (R-WY), Nay Enzi (R-WY), Nay
Must get cold and Lonely on the range in winter. The same state that gave us Matthew Shepard now gives us a big thumbs up for the the protection of huge multi-national companies.
Thank you Republican Party.
Now on with the Show
Behold, 30 U.S. senators who don't give a damn about battered women
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Friday, October 16, 2009
The world's tallest domestic dog? Adorable. The world's biggest newborn baby? Sad and disturbing.
Waterless urinals in every new building in Los Angeles? A positive step. Canada's disgusting oilsands and Coal Country, a new documentary detailing the environmental atrocities in Appalachia? Heart wrenching and depressing.
Jimmy Page showing Jack White and the Edge how to play "When the Levee Breaks" in It Might Get Loud? All flavors of awesome. Garth Brooks coming out of retirement? Anesthetizing.
See, it's all a matter of perspective. It's all a matter of context and spin, into which bin we toss the delightful refuse of our culture to recycle and re-use it another day.
It is with this wonky filter in mind we turn our gaze to the gaping hellmouth that is the U.S. Senate, that drab cauldron of grumpy old men, defeminized women and tiny handful of rebellious dissenters, all of whom claim to have your best interests at heart but mostly only really give a damn about which lobbyist will help them best make their next boat payment.
Do I sound a little bitter? I cannot imagine why. Let us watch the senate and see if we can figure it out.
Look at them shuffle and sneer, hem and haw! Watch as they willingly eat their own souls with an ice pick and some turpentine, then step up to the media microphones and try to sound ennobled and magnanimous when in fact they only make everyone within earshot feel lost and fatalistic. So cute.
It's the same old spectacle, isn't it? There they go, tossing around the health care reform issue like it didn't affect millions of humans every single day, throwing in massive compromises and snags just so the GOP can fellate its pals in the insurance industry and a gaggle of aggrieved Democrats can get their egos fluffed and you still won't be able to get a decent dental plan for your family.
But now, just for fun, let's take it a step further. Or rather, darker. Let's go ahead and step right onto one of those large, rusty nails sticking up from the senate floor, so painful as to make your stomach turn, a bit of your lunch jump back into your throat.
It's a story from the dark political underbelly that makes you question the entire setup, rethink humanity, and lean out your window and scream: what the hell is wrong with these people? Who are they, really? Why do we give them power?
Here is freshman Minnesota senator Al Franken's first-ever legislative action, a relatively simple, almost laughably surefire bill requiring the Pentagon no longer do business with any contractor -- hi, Halliburton! -- that requires its employees to agree that she cannot sue said contractor if she is, oh let's just say, gang raped by its employees.
You read that right. It's a can't-sue-us-if-you're-raped clause. In a U.S. government contract. Aimed squarely at Halliburton. Thanks, Dick Cheney!
First, you are required to get over your initial disgust that such legislation is even necessary, that such clauses even exist and that the Pentagon is already doing business with such contractors (hi, Halliburton/KBR!), and that there has already been a truly horrible case validating it, wherein a 20-year-old female employee was allegedly gang-raped by contractors, locked in a shipping container, abused every way from Sunday, and found out later she was unable to sue.
Let us pause to imagine if, say, Wal-Mart had such a clause. Or maybe Toys 'R' Us. Starbucks. Let us imagine the appalled outcry. But Halliburton? Dick Cheney's vile little spitwad of shameless war profiteering? No problem. Hey, it's Republican-endorsed military contracting. No one said it was ethical.
But that's not most the repellant part. Ready?
The most repellant part is the 30 U.S. senators -- Republicans each and every one -- who just stepped forth to vote against the Franken amendment, essentially saying no, women should have no right to sue if they are sexually abused or gang raped, Halliburton and its ilk must be protected at all costs, and by the way we hereby welcome Satan into our rancid souls forevermore. God bless America.
Let us repeat, for clarity. Franken's amendment passed with a vote of 68-30. Meaning 30 U.S. senators voted against the elimination of the rape/sue clause. Meghan McCain, call your dad. He's one of them.
Here is where you try and do it. Here is where you bring in the filter mentioned above, try to figure out where to slot such wretched information, how to make even the slightest sense of it.
And then you discover a horrible truth: you can't. Turns out, when faced with such vileness, all filters fail. All balance is thrown off. You thought you had some sort of way to process and attain perspective? You are proven wrong.
So perhaps all we can do is ponder how pathetic and sad these various senator's lives must be, how these bitter old men will now go home at night and announce around the dinner table that, yes, today they worked very hard to help improve the welfare of the nation by essentially enabling rape and sexual abuse, tried their darndest to prevent women who've been viciously attacked from having much legal recourse. And lo, Satan will chuckle happily.
Then maybe these senators will try and hug their wives, or their daughters. And maybe, if there's any justice in the universe, their wives and daughters will slap them as hard as humanly possible, lock them in a shipping container, and never let them touch them again.
P.S.; Would you like a complete list of these 30 senators' names? Right here.
Why look, there's grandpa McCain. There's disgraced man-child John Ensign. Hooker-lovin' David Vitter. Saxby Chambliss. Inhofe. It's a veritable welfare-state who's who of Dick Cheney's sanctum of oily fluffers, and many more who would love to be. Shall we write a nice letter to them? Or maybe their wives and daughters?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
More Daily Local nonsense
My reply to the link above
Mr. Ed,
Point 1. I can only search my blog back as far as 2005, and the site I blogged on previous to that has gone the way of a lot of websites to the great Sub-Etha.
As far back as I could find I was against the reasoning behind the war in Iraq. No amount of revisionist history from you sir can change the fact. By stating “Where was the outrage” it reminds me of the novel 1984. Yelling something loud enough does not make it true.
Point 2. There was never 99% support for the Iraq war.
Point 3. Facts are verifiable.
Point 4. Both the Democrats and the Republicans were guilty on some level with the less than stellar way they handled signing people up to vote.
Young Political Majors,LLC or as known as YPM for short is private consulting firm, which registers people to vote as Republicans. It operates in several states including California, Florida, Arizona and Massachusetts The firm has been accused of misleading voters into registering as Republicans, and its owner was arrested October 18, 2008 and charged with two counts of felony voter registration fraud and two counts of perjury.
So it seems the Republicans just got caught this time.
Point 5. When people of a more liberal persuasion on this DLN board accuse you of being Un-Patriotic, they are doing it ironically. Most people who lean left do not waste time with Patriotic arguments. They accuse you of it to point out how those who lean right love to bandy it about to make their point. So when the Chickens come home to roost, what better way to get your hackles up than throw your own rhetoric at you.
To those left of Center, Irony is wasted on Republicans.
Example: Lefties like Jeanine Garafolo and Lewis Black, Righties like Larry the Cable guy and Jeffworthy. Lefties read the New Yorker and pretend to get it Righties read National Review and pretend to get it.
Point 6. Unemployment numbers are a lagging indicator. Based on the Unemployment numbers the Recession did not happen until almost 2 years after it started. By using Unemployment numbers we are behind the curve. On the other hand Stocks are on the rise again so those of us that still have a 401 to kick around, Happy days are hear again…. Too Soon?
Point 7. The SURGE (Cue ominous music)
So the several months President Obama has spent mulling over the Afghan Surge is somehow more cowardly then the several months the Bush Administration took to mull over the Iraq Surge? Somehow it seems that when History shakes out the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we might find out that a surge would not have been needed in Afghanistan if we had not been sent to fight the 99% war in Iraq. If you are so concerned about US troops dying in Afghanistan.
When President Obama has been in office 4 years we get the chance to vote him out.
If his plans bear fruit over the next 3 years we can re-elect or vote him out depending on what happens. But this he is ruining the country tripe is just that, Tripe.
President Obama was gifted 2 wars in decline, a failing economy, unemployment on the rise, the death of the last major manufacturing base in the USA. Rampant fraud and Greed on Wall street just to name a few, We had been left with a policy of scorched earth. If he did nothing but cut more taxes and send more people to war, what would be the outcome then? So far for the Bush years we have a 2 front war, the FEMA failure oF New Orleans, A hole in the ground in New York and Pennsylvania. (September 11th happened on his watch, and no matter how much blame is to be laid at President Clintons feet you can not deny Bush had been in Office 9 months when it happened.)
This also goes to the Right complaining about how the Democrats are blaming Bush for the problems left behind in the White House for Mr. Obama.
Mr. Ed you sat on the sidelines and LET it happened. It is done. Now we are trying to clean it up. If you neglect everything in your house and the foundation gives way, the money spent to fix it is not doing nothing. You already did nothing. Now someone has to stop your neglect from continuing to erode the houses connected to yours. Get it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Read this Fucking Guy
Labels: Obama, Rant, Republican, Socialism
Monday, August 15, 2005
Pennsylvania Tools

I have not had too much time to post recently. Let it be known that the Morose one has not forgotten about the assholes in Harrisburg. These Mother FUCKERS have voted themselves a huge pay raise 32 to 34 percent.
When was the last time you, Mr. and Mrs. Pennsylvania got to vote your own par hike. These Cock suckers should be dragged out into the streets, Tarred and Feathered. Jealousy maybe. I only got a 3% increase this year which was eaten up immeadiatly by the 2.69 I am now paying for gas. I say all pay hikes for our ELECTED (read HIRED) Officials should come on refferendum at the poles. Another thing lets stop calling them officials they are MANAGEMENT we hire to run OUR store. Thh United States of America is OURS. They are private citizens who are no better and in a lot of cases much worse than the average citizen. They are not special!!!
They are just people we have entrusted with the keys to the store. If you own a business, and your trusted employee rifles the till at 2:00 in the morning. What would you do? YOU WOULD FIRE THEIR ASS AS SOON AS YOU FOUND OUT THEY STOLE FROM YOU!!! SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOW TO RID THE STATE OF THIS CANCER. The special elections shouls start with fast Eddie and trickle down to city and local government. Politicians in this country have become a cancer. Republican or Democrat have become the new Politically correct moniker for racism. It's no longer to call some one a Nigger or a Kike or a Wop, Deigo, Gueina or Spick but it sure is ok to label someone a LIBERAL or Conservative or a leftist or Right winger. Most people in America have no idea what these terms mean they jut sparrot them out. Man I am so fucking PISSED.
TEXAS ASSHOLES TOOL OF THE WEEK some of you may have figured I am not really a friend of humanity. But when I read about how this asshole Jack Abramoff, of the Replutocrat Abramoffs treats people, it makes me want to drag this asshole behind a pick up truck. This is the same cock sucker who was pulling the underhanded free trips with Tom Delay. Don't get me started on Tom Delay. It is becoming abundantly clear that those of the Abramoff ilk and yes that includes the entire Replutocrat and Democan parties need to be sent to Texas. Then the entire state is to be fenced off, with the exception of the border to Mexico. For that matter we can throw in the Pennsylvania state Legislature, for their illegal and unconstitutional pay raise or shoud I say unvouchered expenses. These fucking people are out of control. I am so mad I could spit. I don't even know how to contain myself.
Current Mood: KILL
Current Music: Megadeth, Peace sells
Monday, July 04, 2005
Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make

Mon, Jul. 4th, 2005, 07:49 pm Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make.
Well it is becoming abundantly clear that Karl Rove was the White House leak that led to the outing of CIA operative Valarie Plame. I can still hear Rove and Bush and Cheney and Condi all spouting how they would get to the bottom of the scandal. I am suprised that Time magazine buckled. It seems to me though that the issue here was not protecting a source of information in the White House, but protecting an extremely dangerous treasoner in the White House in a time of "War". Rove should be tried for treason and Bush should be impeached for allowing this to go on during his administration.
Current Mood: morose
Current Music: Tears for Fears Mad World
(Karl Rove seen here detailing how work will set you free)
GET HIM!!!!!!!!

Sean Hannity, of the Hannity and Colmes show. should be poked in the eye with a sharp stick. For that matter so should Alan Colmes. I just watched a video of Mark Furhman spouting off on all this evidence he has against Micheal Schiavo. So 15 years after the fact he rides in and writes a book on all of the "facts" surrounding Terri Schiavo's collapse. Sean Hannity is an evil hate monger who should be shunned by society, and poked with sharp sticks. I am not advocating violence, When I say poked with a sharp stick I mean in the cartoon kind of way. Just walk behind him and poke him for a while. Not with malice but for comedy. just enough to make him say Owwww quit it. A word of caution. A cornered conservative is known to get violent if this happens kick the conservative in the shins or genitalia as hard as possible. then point and laugh before hopping on affordable reliable socialist public transportation
Current Mood: irate
Current Music: Cheap Trick, Hello
Friday, July 01, 2005

Ok, Live 8 is this weekend in Philadelphia. Philadelphia as I am sure you all know is the city of Brotherly love. Well the only thing the folks in Philly are going to be loving this weekend is URINE. The City of Philadelphia, has somehow figured that 1,000,000,000 people are going to only need 400 yes thats 400 port-a-pottys. It's going to be a sea of pee.
THE REAL WORLD: PHILADELPHIAThis is the true story of 1 million strangers, picked to go see a concert and have their lives taped, and find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting REAL. The Real World!
Well, Lets see here. What do you get when you cram 300,000 drunk white college students 200,000 smelly dirty hippies and 500,000 Hip Hop Wanna Be Gangsta thug fans into a 1 million square foot area with 400 smelly over flowing port-a-potty's. You get the Live 8 concert. How many of the 300,000 drunk white college boys will here these words? "May we dance with your dates"? This is like a bad Japanese monster movie. P-Diddy meets Dave Matthews. Maybe because I am so Jaded, I am hoping for a disaster.
Daddy? Can you get me Elton John.What do I fucking look like?I have a 3 yr old daughter, She is an elton John fan, Nuff said right. On the Bob the Builder Christmas tape Elton John plays a song writer and Keyboard player for Lenny Lazenby. Elton refered to as John on the tape is trying to write a new song for the group. He has a case of writers block and with the help of Rolly the Steam Roller he fleshes out what is to become Crocodile Rock. I am sure Bernie Taupin has had this problem. Well needless to say my Daughter now loves this song. I am tortured by it every time we are in the car, over and over I hear I remember when Rock was young me and suzi had so much fun holding hands and skimming stones. had an old gold chevy and a place of my own. but the biggest kick I ever got was doing a dance called the crocodile rock while the other kids were rockin round the clock we were hoppin and boppin to the crocodile rock yeah.. You get the picture. Right?So yesterday my Daughter comes into the house and the first words out of her mouth are "Daddy Elton John is going to be in town this weekend. followed by the words "He come to the house"? So I get to explain why Elton John will not be coming to the house how he is a very busy man and such. Well her little heart was broken. So to you Mr. Reginald Dwight, Fuck You for breaking my little girls heart. I will now probably be going into the City which I hate to do these days to stand with a hundred thousand people on the 4th of July so my 3 year old can see the Diva himself.
morosejew wrote on Oct 15, 2009 8:38 AM:
In what universe does a body of supposedly smart men and women try and create a new huge government entity with just the stroke of a pen without doing the requisite leg work to insure that the proposed plan can and will work.
I believe that in 1992 when the Clinton Administration tried to tackle health care the crux of their plan was to take a play from the Reagan book. They thought that the threat of Government intervention alone would be enough to get the large insurance companies to roll over and offer to enact change on their own. The Clinton White House in my opinion was extremely surprised when
the Insurances companies took the tact of Bring it on.
The Obama White House will not be so timid as to believe that this could work in a revamped form. They will pass some kind of health care bill, and as with anything built by committee it will be a quagmire of red-tape and bureaucracy. Why? Because that is what bureaucracies do.
If they are to pass health care reform, Washington needs to pass a bill saying that they will pass a health care reform bill.
As with any project there needs to be concessions on all sides. The Insurance Companies are going to have to come to the table in good faith, the Medical practitioners, The Government, Business and Civil leaders will have to also.
A health care overhaul can not happen at the end of a gun barrel figuratively speaking. Insurance Companies are free to pretty much do what they want. If that means not insuring a segment of the population, that is what they will do. If they can not make money working with the Government on Health care they will walk away from the table.
So I say yes to health care reform, no to strong arming the companies with whom you will need to work with in order to get it done.
Mr. Obama, Making sure Americans are free from the worries of catastrophic health care losses is a noble endeavor. Overlooking the need to help America recreate her standing as a Business Giant on the World Stage is a mistake. Jobs help create Insured Americans.
Can we do both? Sure. We are America we can do anything. We could create a public private single payer system. We could give larger tax breaks to companies to insure their workers. We could set up a medical peace corps like the Military. Go to college to become a Dr. Spend 4-6 years working as a Government Doctor, like the doctors in Canada. At the end of your term, you would receive something akin to the GI bill and have a portion of your school debt paid off.
There are a million and 1 ways to skin a cat. So to all of you elected officials out there. Fix this problem. Do not create a larger problem in the process, so you can wax poetic on your accomplishment. "