Monday, July 04, 2005

Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make

Mon, Jul. 4th, 2005, 07:49 pm Karl Rove, Evil just like mother used to make.
Well it is becoming abundantly clear that Karl Rove was the White House leak that led to the outing of CIA operative Valarie Plame. I can still hear Rove and Bush and Cheney and Condi all spouting how they would get to the bottom of the scandal. I am suprised that Time magazine buckled. It seems to me though that the issue here was not protecting a source of information in the White House, but protecting an extremely dangerous treasoner in the White House in a time of "War". Rove should be tried for treason and Bush should be impeached for allowing this to go on during his administration.
Current Mood: morose
Current Music: Tears for Fears Mad World

(Karl Rove seen here detailing how work will set you free)

GET HIM!!!!!!!!

Sean Hannity, of the Hannity and Colmes show. should be poked in the eye with a sharp stick. For that matter so should Alan Colmes. I just watched a video of Mark Furhman spouting off on all this evidence he has against Micheal Schiavo. So 15 years after the fact he rides in and writes a book on all of the "facts" surrounding Terri Schiavo's collapse. Sean Hannity is an evil hate monger who should be shunned by society, and poked with sharp sticks. I am not advocating violence, When I say poked with a sharp stick I mean in the cartoon kind of way. Just walk behind him and poke him for a while. Not with malice but for comedy. just enough to make him say Owwww quit it. A word of caution. A cornered conservative is known to get violent if this happens kick the conservative in the shins or genitalia as hard as possible. then point and laugh before hopping on affordable reliable socialist public transportation
Current Mood: irate
Current Music: Cheap Trick, Hello

Friday, July 01, 2005


Ok, Live 8 is this weekend in Philadelphia. Philadelphia as I am sure you all know is the city of Brotherly love. Well the only thing the folks in Philly are going to be loving this weekend is URINE. The City of Philadelphia, has somehow figured that 1,000,000,000 people are going to only need 400 yes thats 400 port-a-pottys. It's going to be a sea of pee.
THE REAL WORLD: PHILADELPHIAThis is the true story of 1 million strangers, picked to go see a concert and have their lives taped, and find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting REAL. The Real World!

Well, Lets see here. What do you get when you cram 300,000 drunk white college students 200,000 smelly dirty hippies and 500,000 Hip Hop Wanna Be Gangsta thug fans into a 1 million square foot area with 400 smelly over flowing port-a-potty's. You get the Live 8 concert. How many of the 300,000 drunk white college boys will here these words? "May we dance with your dates"? This is like a bad Japanese monster movie. P-Diddy meets Dave Matthews. Maybe because I am so Jaded, I am hoping for a disaster.
Daddy? Can you get me Elton John.What do I fucking look like?I have a 3 yr old daughter, She is an elton John fan, Nuff said right. On the Bob the Builder Christmas tape Elton John plays a song writer and Keyboard player for Lenny Lazenby. Elton refered to as John on the tape is trying to write a new song for the group. He has a case of writers block and with the help of Rolly the Steam Roller he fleshes out what is to become Crocodile Rock. I am sure Bernie Taupin has had this problem. Well needless to say my Daughter now loves this song. I am tortured by it every time we are in the car, over and over I hear I remember when Rock was young me and suzi had so much fun holding hands and skimming stones. had an old gold chevy and a place of my own. but the biggest kick I ever got was doing a dance called the crocodile rock while the other kids were rockin round the clock we were hoppin and boppin to the crocodile rock yeah.. You get the picture. Right?So yesterday my Daughter comes into the house and the first words out of her mouth are "Daddy Elton John is going to be in town this weekend. followed by the words "He come to the house"? So I get to explain why Elton John will not be coming to the house how he is a very busy man and such. Well her little heart was broken. So to you Mr. Reginald Dwight, Fuck You for breaking my little girls heart. I will now probably be going into the City which I hate to do these days to stand with a hundred thousand people on the 4th of July so my 3 year old can see the Diva himself.

Your Linguistic Profile:

45% General American English
35% Yankee
10% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Your Taste in Music:

80's Alternative: Highest Influence
90's Alternative: Highest Influence
Classic Rock: Highest Influence
Progressive Rock: Highest Influence
80's Pop: High Influence
Punk: High Influence
Alternative Rock: Medium Influence
Heavy Metal: Medium Influence
Ska: Medium Influence
80's R&B: Low Influence
80's Rock: Low Influence
90's Pop: Low Influence
90's Rock: Low Influence
Gangsta Rap: Low Influence
Hair Bands: Low Influence
How's Your Taste in Music?

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INTP - the Architect
You scored 50% I to E, 26% N to S, 52% F to T, and 65% J to P!
You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than have a routine. The single word to describe your type is the Architect, which belongs to the larger group of rationals. You wish to sculpt the world around you. Others often find you arrogant, yet you have no desire to direct others, only to inform them. You must know the structure of things, and have a voracious appetite for knowledge. You are very rational in everything you do, and probably consider yourself smarter than most.
As a romantic partner, you can be playful with great energy to get things started, but not quite as good on follow through. You may have a tendency to hurt the more emotional types unintentionally by not sharing your own reactions and feelings as you can get swept up in your own ideas and projects. You want to be appreciated for your ability to respond quickly and to fix problems creatively. You need plenty of time to yourself - therefore your parnter must respect your need for independence and originality.
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Your type summary: INTP

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